showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Spiky Harold Firebird1986 labelimageminimize
Wonder Boy Activision1987
[36]***Also released in a compilation called "The Story So Far (Vol. 4)", which included [game=#47458]Ghostbusters[/game], [game=#46048]Aliens[/game], [game=#49957]Wonder Boy[/game], [game=#46227]Back to the Future[/game], [game=#48803]Quartet[/game] and [game=#47145]The Eidolon[/game], released in 1989, published by [company=Elite]Elite[/company] and distributed by [company=Ubi Soft]Ubi Soft[/company].

This compilation was rated 45% by French magazine Amstrad Cent Pour Cent #19 (Oct. 1989).***
Xyphoes Fantasy Silmarils1991This game is often considered as the most technical game for the Amstrad CPC, the one that really exploits the machine capabilities. It will only run on CPC 6128 (128Ko RAM required).

The game is amazing, indeed. Graphics, music, animation, everything is on high-level regarding the CPC hardware. And the game is good, but very short.***
[34]***[b]Multi-sequence[/b] :
1st level is "run and gun"-type.
2nd level is "fighting"-type, very close to [game=#46258]Barbarian[/game].
3rd level looks like a run and gun but auto-scrolled (you can just accelerate, decelerate) riding a horse.
4th level is still "run and gun" but has a different design and it feels different to play.
5th level is the end boss, "fighting"-type like the second one, but much harder.